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MV Svenja
87 Transition Pieces (TPs),
87 Monopiles (MPs)
Up to 561 t (TPs)
Up to 1 019 t (MPs)
Up to 33 m long, Ø 7.44 m (TPs)
Up to 72.56 m long, Ø 8.4 m (MPs)
239 366.46 m3 – 44 935.80 t (TPs)
310 660.70 m3 – 62 018.32 t (MPs)
Rostock, Germany / Teesport, UK /
Aalborg, DK
Belfast, UK
MV Annegret
40 Tower Mid Sections (TMS),
40 Tower Top Sections (TTS),
24 Blades (B)
125 t (TMS)
119 t (TTS)
55 t (B)
30.7 × 7.5 × 7.2 m (TMS)
33.7 × 6.6 × 6.2 m (TTS)
82.5 × 6.7 × 6.0 m (B)
Aabenraa & Esbjerg, Denmark (towers)
Nakskov, Denmark (blades)
Belfast, UK
What began in 2010 with the delivery of foundations for the first Walney Offshore Wind Farm concession was successfully continued in 2017: MV Svenja played a fundamental role in the third extension of the Walney Offshore Wind Farm, located in the North West of the UK. The vessel transported a total of 87 Monopiles (MPs) from Rostock to Belfast. In addition, 87 Transition Pieces (TPs) were carried from Tees and Aalborg to the project harbor. With a height of up to 30 metres, a diameter of more than seven metres and a single weight of up to 561 tons, the TPs are amongst the largest ever built – a job that kept MV Svenja busy for almost a year.
This long-term project was characterized by several challenges: Two different types of cargo, each requiring its own mobilization setting on board, which had to be shipped alternately, a tight schedule from customer side demanding flawless workflows for a pinpointed delivery from three different loading ports, and a special sea-fastening system which had to be designed to cope with the cargo variety and to ensure quick handling, even during the harsh North Sea winter weather conditions.